When you need expert, in-person guidance, Outright's personal training coaches will get you on the right track to success. Youth and Adult - sport specific, weight loss, general fitness - training options available.
Semi-Private Personal Training gives you the personalized guidance you need without the personal training price. You may share your session time with 2-3 clients, but that's all you share. Each client has their own workout, their own training plan, their own individual level and experience - and your coach is there to help each of you individually along the way.
When you want training exclusivity, 1-on-1 personal training is the right choice. You get your coach's exclusive attention, guiding you through your workout, helping you with form, mechanics, motivation and accountability.
Adult & Youth 14yrs+
Frequency of sessions can be
from 1x to 5x per week.
$30-45 per session
Adult & Youth 14yrs+
Frequency of sessions can be
from 1x to 5x per week.
$45-85 per session
13years and younger
Frequency of sessions can be from
1x to 5x per week.
Must select this option if
youth is 13yrs or younger.
$45 per session
Questions? 512-348-7113 or info@outrightfitness.com
15508 Bratton Ln #625 Austin, TX 78728
32 pre-designed workouts that include athletic movements, barbel and dumbbell exercises, plus home and travel workouts. Workouts focus on building strength, balance, coordination, power. You'll have a designated coach to answer any questions and keep you accountable!
Full Body | Strength Endurance | Beginner Friendly
This strength endurance outline includes one individual workout designed to target the full body using only body-weight exercises.
Strength Workout | Gym Equipment Req. | Advanced
Advanced hamstring strength workout designed for the gym. 8 exercises with quick demo videos.
General nutrition guidance to get you pointed in the right direction.
Full Body | Track Workout | Beginner Friendly--Advanced
This track workout is good for lactic threshold training which is used to improve your speed endurance for various running events and sports. It’s also great in fitness when the goal is intense interval training.
Push-ups | No Equipment | Beginner
This is a 30-Day Plan to develop your push-up game. Simple and effective.
No Equipment | Beginner & Youth Friendly
Includes one workout complete with a warm-up and 4 strength exercises grouped into two supersets. Quick demo videos included.
Small personalized groups capped at 8 kids. For ages 10-13, designed to introduce and develop multi-directional movement, athletic coordination, full body general strength, work ethic, and self-confidence.
Choose Any Frequency
M/T/W/Th: 5-6pm